Tuesday, March 18, 2008

pitter patter and green

It's funny to me when people complain about one day of rain. It's as if it isn't sunny and seventy with no humidity, the weather is bad. I just don't get it. I love cool rainy days, especially sandwiched in between a few filled with sun and warmth. I like the variety, the reminder that things change, and the feel of cool water falling on my skin from the freaking sky...one of those things that reminds me I am alive.

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day. That's the day people wear green, because everyone else does, and it's some kind of social expectation and rule, based on the desire to not get pinched. I don't particularly like getting pinched, but I find a sinister kind of pleasure in intentionally not wearing green on St. Patrick's Day. Yesterday, I wore a pink skirt and a black shirt, and I lived to tell about it.

And now, it is time for my customary post opening nap. I shall turn off my itunes, set my computer aside, leave the fan off, and fall asleep to the sound of the rain trickling down intently outside.

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