Wednesday, March 5, 2008

the end.

The day was tiring.
Getting up before the sun comes out chips away at the potential goodness my day.
But a nap on the couch with the sun shining through the window onto my tired body is life giving.

I love hidden tracks on albums.
Little surprises crafted with care, tucked behind one of your old favorites.
I love surprises, and music, so it's no surprise that I would love musical surprises.

I had the worst shift of my life at work this morning.
Everything that could go wrong did, in the middle of an extremely long rush, and all happening while I tried desperately to contain my very small, very full bladder.
The kicker: it all took place with both of Tulsa's district managers in line watching me like a hawk, one of which was telling me what I should be doing while I was barely getting by.

My roommate Tonia is going to look at a car tomorrow.
It's an old Volvo, which is full of character.
And for her it is more than a car, it is freedom, and no more bus with creepy characters.

Wednesday is burger night at McNellies, which means they are three bucks.
Tonight was a night of cheddar cheese burgers, pub fries, and a $2.66 beer, totaling $6.80.
Cheap good food + priceless good friends = goodness.

I am sitting here ready for bed, halfway there.
Earlier, while watching the bbc version of Pride and Prejudice with Mary, I was yawning those deep, uncontrollable yawns, likely because of the getting up before dark I mentioned earlier.
Which is why now, I shall pull myself away from the enticing macbook, and dangerous internet, and, as my dear Aunt Mae would say, "rest my eyes".

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