Thursday, March 13, 2008

a game

I have been tagged, by amy, who has risen from the blogger underworld to entertain us with her words, and bless us with her presence. The rules of this game are as follows: I have been tagged, so I do the same thing as the person that tagged me...write eight facts/habits pertaining to me...then I tag six to eight more people, and they do the same thing that I did and so on and so goes...

1. The year of 2008 has been the first year of my life that I have effectively kept and used and not lost a planner. I am not a planner by nature, therefore, they usually end up in the floorboard of my car, or under the seat, or in the bottom of my second droor. But alas, I have changed! And found the right planner fit for me. Key: it must fit in my purse.

2. I do not like carrying purses. I carry them out of necessity, which is why mine is relatively small compared to other women of the world. The necessity comes in to play because of my tendency to lose things, including purses, which is why it's not a fool proof plan.

3. I go to sleep at night with a quilt from pottery barn that was purchased for me by my uncle. He remembered me commenting on how much I liked it, saved the catalogue it was in, ordered it for me, and surprised me at Christmas. My life is littered with these stories of unmerited goodness, which I will never fully understand. It's also one of the most beautiful and eclectic quilts you will ever see, and so, because of the gesture and the quilts inescapable aesthetic appeal, I feel very blessed each night when I curl up in the fetal position and slumber.

4. I am very picky when it comes to scents that I put on my body. I do not frequent bath and body works, and I don't like anything too contrived. It took me nearly four years to go through a tiny bottle of the scent pink pepper from the body shop (they have since discontinued it)...And if I ever think I have found something good, I usually tire of it quickly. My current favorite, Flower Bomb, has yet to lose its appeal, however.

5. My favorite wine is Sauvignon Blanc, often described as "crisp, elegant, and fresh" (according to Wikepedia). I recently saved a bottle for many days to be consumed with a friend prior to a lengthy departure, and the afternoon and setting of its consumption was fittingly crisp, elegant, and fresh. It was a Kim Crawford, if you are wanting to go out and get it, and it had notes of grapefruit. Yum.

6. My cell phone battery is on the fritz, and has been since December, but I am cheap and so I just leave it on the charger a lot and deal with the fact that it shuts off, often, without warning.

7. I used to wear black all of the time. It drove my mom crazy. Seriously. Working at Starbucks has helped me outlive this habit, as I wear black (nearly) every day to work. When I don't have to I don't usually want to. I have also grown more comfortable with myself over the years, and am more confident in colors than I used to longer needing to blend in in black.

8. I lived most of my adolescent and adult life on some kind of a diet, to fit some kind of a mold, imposed upon me by myself, based on what people that don't exist expect(ed) from me. I no longer diet, and in an ironic twist, I have found the balance I always striving for via the non-diet.

I tag Molly, Dylan, Renee, Erin, Houston, and Lindsay...the only people that Amy did not tag that I am aware might possibly read my blog and get this notice. Amy only tagged six, so I decided I am playing by her rules. I am not sure if all of these people have blogs. I didn't do the cool links thing for everyone's name, because I am tired and want to go to bed. If you were tagged and don't want to do it, no pressure. But if you do it would be fun!

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