Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I thought much about rising early this morning to walk before work, letting the darkness of the pre-sunrise be the source of today’s walking adventure. And then I changed my mind.

Instead, I went for a walk after work, in the center of the afternoon sun. There is something in me that loves that. I like a challenge. That is why I have always had running as a semi-regular-depending-on-the-season-and-state-of-mind part of my life. And the challenge of pushing through when it’s really hot and it’s all in your hands - you can quit at any time - is fun for me. In light of that, I ran more than usual, past the shirtless young men hitting baseballs, and the random pair of tightie-whitie’s laying atop a patch of contrasting green grass. And then I walked some, eventually receiving the urge to run up stairs. I love the elevated heart rate and shortness of breath that is difficult to attain with a walk, and sometimes even a run. I found the stairs, in the alley, leading to the fire escape, along the back of the aged and worn Orthodox Christian Church. They were rusty and also exactly what I needed.

On the way home, I went back through the park, staying a little longer to play, in the water that comes out of the ground that had NO age appropriate sign posted. I ditched the shoes, pushed the magic button, and ran around for a while through cool water bliss, without care. I have found a new favorite spot in this city. The center of the universe is a letdown. The sprinkler system in the center of Kendall Wittier park is not.

In addition to preparing for the walking that I anticipate will be a big part of my time in Asia, I have also had the notion that I should prepare myself mentally for the time I will be spending alone. Tonight, my roommates are gone to the going away gathering of a friend we do not share. I called another dear friend to see if she wanted to to nothing together, and she had to do something with someone else. After hanging up the phone with her, I thought to myself it was probably for the best. Tonight I will enjoy the evening in solitude, on my front porch, with the breeze and the swaying trees, possibly a beer, and a book titled “Things Fall Apart”. It’s true. They do. Though I am enjoying this season, where things seem to be staying together.

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