Monday, June 16, 2008

almost there.

And so I sit, surrounded by plastic bags of travel goodness and wrapping remnants from a splurge of purchased music that I am currently downloading onto Baxter so as to be synced with recently purchased, not yet named, IPod. I thought of a name while running on Friday but it must have been fleeting, because now, I cannot remember.

In my room are organized piles of goods and necessities I am hoping to sustain me during my time in Asia. I call myself, from time to time, a minimalist. It's these moments in life where this theory is put to the test.

In a little over sixteen hours I will be boarding a plane that will take me to the place that has the plane that will take me across the ocean. I am giddy, excited and also, a little bit sad, to be leaving behind faithful goodness in the form of friends and an enviable porch and hopeful possibilities. But to these things I shall return, so right now, I am mostly just giddy and excited about the goodness I am going to.

My coworkers and friends have showered gifts and kindness upon me, letting me know that they will "miss" me, and to have "a great time" and "be careful". This kind of behavior perplexes me. I often get on my own nerves. I can't really feasibly understand being missed. I often feel selfish and bossy and obnoxious. I would think their sentiments toward me would be something near the opposite. But alas, I will not complain, as it's humbling, and kind, and much appreciated. The travel kit from Lori was much appreciated, as well as the ITunes gift card from Heather that I used to purchase a David Gray album, that has become my official packing soundtrack.

Speaking of packing, I must finish. The next time I am heard from by the readers of this page, I will be sitting at my computer at a desk in an apartment in South Korea. Until then.

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