Sunday, August 24, 2008

thinking, back.

After returning from a fun-filled trip to Seoul, the end is beginning to kick in. 

People were talking about returning to work. I am done. My ticket has been printed off. There is an empty suitcase waiting to be filled. Instead of filling it, I have simply strewn its eventual contents about, as if getting everything out lets me know where everything officially is. I officially created a disaster of my apartment. I wasn't in the mood to organize it all, as my mind was feeling disorganized. My preference for continuity prevented me from taking responsible action, and instead, I left everything where it didn't go, and started to put together my miniature scrapbook. This made me feel nostalgic, and also, the fact that it's Sunday. I usually feel more nostalgic on Sundays. And then, after not finishing the arts and craft project, I decided go for a run, which meant that I had to put on the proper attire. Oh, but not until I upload photos onto my web gallery, I told myself. That should come first. And then the run. 

Post run, and on the edge of a disastrous mess, I am still feeling nostalgic. Can you guess what comes next? A Korean list-ish of a few of the things here I have come to take for granted from the past sixty-seven days of my life. The number sixty-seven does no justice to it's contents. And don't confuse it with a list of things I will miss. I am reevaluating the concept of miss, and therefore, don't feel confident giving the list-ish that label.

Time. I have so very much of it. Time to run, and read, and write, and read some more. Time to catch up with myself. 

The feeling of confidence in a long walk home, and not being talked out of the "impractical" when there is a bus and a taxi, both to my left, eager to get me wherever. 

Getting paid too much for doing very little. I have begun to calculate how many hours of work at home it would take me to acquire my most recent purchases. It's very sadly. 

An abundance of Korean food. There was a Chik-fil-a discussion this weekend, and it was mentioned by someone other than myself that I will have access to that in a matter of days. The funny thing? I was thinking about how the discussers would have the very same kind of access to the Korean food I have come to love, and take for granted. 

Being somewhere, and not somewhere else. I have managed to ignore the fact, for the majority of the latter grouping of days, that I have to leave. This has given me a false sense of ease, and comfortability. I am about to embark on yet another season, in such a short amount of time, that is full of nothing at all concrete. It's mostly sand, and mud, and some muddy water. 

Hence the disorganized state of my head and room and, well, life; continuity. 


Unknown said...

hooray for new chapters though. I look forward to experiencing it – albeit via email – through what you tell me of it. i am encouraged by your recent posts...and by what you've learned...and how we've grown as friends...and I am sorry you will miss Korean food...and I really hope your plane doesn't you CAN eat chick-fil-a if you want it...and please don't send me a moo-cow from there, as I will throw it away when I leave Korea...

Lori said...

I'm looking foreward to hearing more about this grand adventure as well as seeing the pics with ALL the stories that go with. And PLEASE figure out a way to bring some of that Korean food wth you:)