Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Some things of interest, or maybe not. Irregardless:

After a day of possessing jumbled head syndrome, and intentionally neglecting to run (master of procrastination), I force myself out the door after class at eight in the evening, and (without forethought) finish my longest run in my nike+ history. 

I, again, almost get run over by a speeding bicycle. However, this time it is by a man who is ringing his bell in warning. I interpret the ding as part of my music, realize my error, and jump out of the way. 

I eat a bowl of cereal at nine in the evening, post long run, with no guilt whatsoever. Not that I would have had guilt anyway. 

I have created a second blog. Though it may be unnecessary, it could also be fun. It will be about my adventures with food. I like to eat, I like to cook, I like to bake, and I like to write. This will be the reading dish where all of those ingredients create an enticing flavor. Yes, that was cheesy. Ha. I did it again! Get it? Cheesy?! My first post is an ode to the potato.

I am reading The Disastrous Tale of Vera and Linus, and it is...too much and just enough. It combines poignant absurdity, fantasy, and morbidity with the mundanity of real life-ness - all of these things I adore. To find them together in one book. Inspiring. 

I have been going to bed quite early as of late, and rising effortlessly without an alarm. 

Seriously. Michael Phelps. 

I have finished five of the six films in the Star Wars movie bunch. I now understand that four came before five, and before one, and also after, depending on your age and which side of the street you are standing. I have seen the firsts, four five and six, and two of the lasts, one and two, and shall watch the middle and the most recent, three, before departure. May the Force be with you. 

I have taught a total of six hours this week, bringing the amount of time I have left in the classroom to...drum roll...nine hours. I shall spend nine more hours working, and the rest, well, not working. The week that follows this will be a sort of vacation, which follows eight weeks that have felt like a vacation. What did I do to deserve this?

I wrote today about limbo, but thought, perhaps, three blog posts in one day may be excessive. 

I also applied for a job. It's not high and mighty, but my mom assured me she would be proud of me even if I never have a - successful in the eyes of the world - kind of job. Thanks mom.  

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