Saturday, January 23, 2010

the half, have-s, and the have-nots.

I am just sitting here, sipping my americano and my overly buttered bagel, and a man walks by. He is old enough to be my dad, his face is marked with a beard, and he is balancing his bulky gray laptop in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other. In any other moment on any other day, he would just be a man, walking by. But I am almost sure I saw a look in his eye of loneliness. I wanted to get up, and invite him to sit with me! I began to think of all the middle aged women I know that my be looking for someone too! I was flooded with the feeling of helplessness, wishing there was something I could do.

A few minutes later, I looked up, and I saw a friend that has been out of town for a while. He moved, chasing change, and his girlfriend stayed. I have thought about her a lot while he has been gone, assuming his absence has been all kinds of difficult. Looking up and seeing him, and then seeing the smile on her face from being in his presence once again, I was flooded with a feeling of near tear inducing joy.

Back and forth and up and down and sad and happy, empty and full and sometimes, in between it all...And this, this is life.

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