Saturday, December 26, 2009

new wardrobe.

I truly feel like I am growing out of this season of life. Literally, even physically. I feel like a child, whose toes have begun to just touch the tips of her shoes.... Inching toward thirty, it's like the reality that we grow older, and live with our choices, weighs much more heavily on me now than it did back when...when I wasn't inching toward thirty.

It was okay to piddle through things before. That shoe fit. But I don't feel like piddling anymore.

I gave my notice to the coffee shop a few weeks ago. That's the first part of my wardrobe that really started to feel like it shrank in the dryer. I faced the truth that it's not what I wanted to be doing, though I am thankful for the time I spent learning more about coffee, baking, and people and also, that I don't want to make my living from food, like I once suspected.

My current position fits for now; It's more like the act of taking the hem out of my pants. They are as long as they can be, still not quite long enough, thought they'll help me make it to the next pair. In my hemmed up pants, I will be serving delicious and expensive food, in hopes that the people I serve it to reward me for the attentiveness I give their dining experience.

And then, if it all goes as planned, I will hop on a plane in the summer. It is my hope that where I land, there will be much more room to grow.

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