Friday, October 2, 2009


No regrets? A lie.

regrets of the week:

Taking the ponytail holder out of my hair while riding, causing me to lose control of my bike and crash into Melinda. I had named my bicycle "Bruiser" earlier that day. I meant it for me, but Bruiser does not discriminate.

Ordering the chocolate Martini instead of wine. Mistake.

Wearing a tank-top to work today. I mistakingly assumed it would be warm. It's really fall, and sitting outside was unnecessarily uncomfortable.

Eating too much Indian food and feeling so uncomfortably full that I am not sure I will be able to fall asleep.

I've still got two days to add to the list.


A Nerd and A Free Spirit said...

Hi, Meredith! For such a large city, we certainly seem to be seeing each other a lot lately! I'm so excited to follow your blog. Perhaps we'll have to actually PLAN to get together in the future. (-:


David and jill said...

Were you wearing the purple tank top you purchased after the man boob post? ;)

meredith. said...

: ) Ha. Jill: You are a funny lady! It was black ; )