Friday, January 18, 2008

Here is where I tell you all of the benefits of eating at a mexican restaurant for lunch by yourself. Keep in mind that some of my points apply because I am a young female, so they may not all be appealing to everyone.

1. You can fearlessly pilfer through the chips to find the folded chips that are your favorite.

2. You can read a book while you wait for your food.

3. If you are at a Mexican restaurant that gives you only one salsa, regardless of the number of people at the table, being alone enables you to be able to sit it right in front of you so that you don't get salsa drippings on the pages of the book you are reading.

4. You don't have to politely offer a bite to the person you are eating with if you actually want it all for yourself.

5. You can shamelessly flirt with your waiter and/or server.

6. When you are alone and have put forth a mild amount of effort into getting ready for the day, since they think you are single, they bring your food even faster and fill your glass even quicker, I am assuming, to try and impress you.

7. When said waiters/servers ask you how your food is, they call you lady, as in, "is everything OK for you today lady?" And it feels nice to be called lady.

8. You receive puzzled looks from the people that think it's odd to see a young lady eating Mexican food alone while simultaneously reading "The Chronicles of Narnia", and if you are like me, you find those quizzical looks entertaining.

9. You could, theoretically, drink multiple margaritas and not have to worry about whether or not your guest thinks you are a lush.

10. I don't have a 10. I just know I like mexican food. I like it whether I am with someone or without someone. In all honesty, even though there are a lot of pros to eating it alone, and even though I would rather eat it alone than with someone annoying, I would rather eat it in the company of someone I enjoy. But it's good to know it can be enjoyed alone too, right?

In closing, a reference to my last post. At this juncture in life, I am choosing the adventure. I am jumping into the unknown. I believe that if I do not, with all that I know about myself at this point in my life, if I stay here where it's comfortable and practical, where I would probably end up doing the obvious, I would always save a corner in my heart for the disappointment I I would feel toward myself. And I would rather leave no room in my heart for such a thing. And the good news is, right now, I won't have to embark on the adventure alone. Thank goodness that life is funny.

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