Wednesday, September 30, 2009

the color purple.

Laying here on my bed, trying to think of what to type. Nothing is coming to mind.



Except for the man that crossed the street in front of my vehicle, as if there wasn't a moving automobile driving toward him. It wasn't so much his brazen behavior that caught my eye, but rather his brazen choice of clothing. Said man was considerably overweight. It wasn't an overall obesity. More of a belly that had consumed a few too many beers. It stuck out, and it was the belly part of the man that my car almost hit. He was wearing a purple tank top, with an unbuttoned shirt blowing in the fall breeze, exposing the skin his tank top wasn't covering. Because of the belly, his take top was stretched out farther than normal, which caused the arm holes to actually become man boob holes. This part of his body was exposed to the fall sun, tagging alongside the fall breeze.

I looked away, and drove on, thinking to myself..."what is the point? Of clothing? Why did he choose that? Is the point not to cover?"

Not all the time. But uncovered things are usually intentional. A low neckline. Shorts. Sleeveless shirts. I wondered if he had looked in the mirror that morning and thought to himself, yes, I feel like exposing my man boobs today. Come to me purple tank top. We will tackle this fall day together.

To do list:

purchase a purple tank top.

1 comment:

aimi said...

This blog, and the thought of your expression while staring at this guy (probably much like the expression of you staring at the Miller Lite at the Wine Bar the other night) made me laugh out loud over and again at the corner Doubleshot table just now. I'm sure Brian and others nearby wondered what I was laughing at.. hehe!