Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the very near future.

Partly because I think some of you, my readers, may wonder about the specifics of my upcoming adventure, and party because I am so freaking excited that I want to see it all typed if that makes it more is what my five weeks will look like in a little over three...


Friday the 13 - oooo - last day at Starbucks for a while.
Tuesday the 17th - hop on a plane for the Land of the Morning Calm
- after many hours in the air -
Wednesday the 18th - arrive in Seoul, sleep.
Thursday the 19th and the next day - learn how to be a good substitute English teacher.
Monday the 23 - begin the task at hand

- for five weeks! -
- make a few Korean memories with my friend Houston, the mastermind.
- meet people.
- make money to pay for my bills and plane ticket.
- see sites.
- abstain from baking.
- walk a lot.
- laugh a lot.
- test this wanderer lifestyle out.
- eek!


Sunday the 27 - hop on a plane for the Sooner State.

1 comment:

Esther said...

woah! had NO idea!!! I'm thrilled for you to try it out short term!! wooooo! If you're ever interested in meeting my cousins, please let me know! ;D