Sunday, April 27, 2008


Hope deferred makes the heart sick. It's in the bible somewhere. Some may argue that it makes the heart stronger, and maybe some of both.

I hate seeing that look on the face of one of my fellow humans that indicates the feeling that someone loves someone that doesn't love them back. That makes my heart sick.

People are fickle and have their preferences and make their choices, and I don't judge the people that don't requite the affection shown them. I just hurt for the people holding the affection, because it's such a desperate and vulnerable and lonely place to be. And the irony is that you are feeling those sick feelings because you are in possession of more affection than you have a place for. You could say you have too much of a good thing and it's bad.

I will say that if it's true that hope deferred makes the heart sick, that my heart has been sick since I was eleven or twelve. And if that's true, with all the goodness I have had, I look forward very much to what a well heart feels like.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

passing thought...maybe someone is actually a loner? and maybe affection-givers, such as ourselves, have loner tendencies, and like that we're okay with that, but deep down, know that tendencies do not equate person-hood?