Friday, December 10, 2010

Connor showed me a you tube video of a man in San Diego that balances rocks on top of each other on a spot overlooking the water. He takes small rocks and sits larger rocks on top of them, and then keeps going and before you know it you think you're either looking at an optical illusion or that some crazy man has taken the time to glue random size rocks on top of each other in a crooked sort of leaning tower direction. Apparently, "you just have to look for the soft spots" to get these mismatched selection of rocks to rest atop the rest.

There's a girl at the shop where I work that sews stuffed animals together from post-consumer felt, and they're pretty freaking cool. They're called cuddle monsters and they are bright and cuddly and pretty monster like, and these monsters have a following. People buy them, and also, look forward to when new versions arrive. This past Wednesday she had a cuddle monster Christmas party with chocolate ginger bread cookies and a Christmas DJ spinning holiday tunes on a turn table.

Sometimes when I think of all the things that people could do, my head starts to resemble the traffic in Times Square, or maybe the chaos of driving in India.

Right now, all I know is that I am happy to be sitting on this stool in front of this window sipping this coffee typing this sentence. And really, with all of the stuff in the world that there is to know or do or believe in or not believe in or not do or places to go or not go, what's going on for me in this particular moment in this particular spot is really all I can say anything about for sure.

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