Saturday, February 20, 2010


I made this new friend by the name of Megan. She's pretty great, though I barely know her. I know that much.

Yesterday was a day of planning. Lindsay called it when she said she felt a blog coming on. This one is going to be all over the place. It's going to be like me.

I woke yesterday morning to an apartment in chaos; boxes, glasses, get rid of piles, and things to trip on. It was all a part of my master plan to make some leeway with moving yesterday. I am not usually one of those types...The master plan types...But changes are coming, and some things need to happen first. So, I ripped off a corner of the goldenrod colored pamphlet I had received from Immanuel Baptist Church, and I wrote the following:

budget M, A, May
San Diego
LA > Louis > Boston > DC

Notice that I neglected to put "make leeway with moving stuff" on the list? I awoke this morning to the same exact chaos.

And then, I proceeded to make leeway with option three, marathon. I ran my six miles for the day, after charting out the miles I will need to accumulate over the next sixteen weeks yesterday.

I put San Diego on the list because that's where I am running the marathon, with my oldest friend Shaya who is pretty great, and also, almost all of Shaya's family. They're great too.

I didn't write, but I am doing that now. Doing the other things gave me something to write about.

The arrow goes from San Diego to LA because of Houston. He'll be the post marathon stop, and then Lindsay in New Orleans. Lindsay will hopefully lead me to Boston, to Pamela, and a few days of utter bliss, I am expecting. Pamela, the friend that helped more than anyone else spur this journey I am taking, will send me to DC, which will be my temporary home.

My new friend Megan listened to me rant about all of this excitement yesterday on the couch where I drank too much coffee and chipped away at my list. She shared it with me, the excitement, and said she may even be in the San Diego area to cheer me on that twenty-six something mile run. Then she made me listen to this song she downloaded for herself, but that she thinks sort of applies to me, too.

Yesterday when leaving my house to go to the place where I was going to get stuff done, I was on my bicycle thinking about all of the things I have to look forward to, and I labeled this year my gypsy year. I did this in my head without telling anyone else.

Sitting there on the couch the lighting was quite idyllic - yellow and still, as if I was on a couch in a movie acting out a scene that makes the audience want to climb out of their uncomfortable seats and join in on the full of life moment that was happening there, on the comfortable couch. The song was folky, and it's all I could hear. The words drifter and gypsy and the phrase stealing hearts filled my ears, as I watched beautiful people to my left converse with beautiful people on my right, and smiled a big-feeling-understood-full-of-excitement kind of smile.

I tend to befriend planners and list makers. I have friends that genuinely find their joy in marking things off their list. It's not a good day unless productivity is a part. These are good things, but they aren't me. Though I marked things off of my list, the goodness of my day came from that moment on the couch, the song shared that made me feel understood, the conversation that happened after, and the Indian Food I shared with three of my favorites later in the evening. This is why it's time for me to take this gypsy trail that's been trying to get my attention for a while now. Because I am not a planner or a list maker, and because, from a place deep inside of myself, I want my life to be full of interesting people and good coffee and great wine, and eventually, hopefully love and family, and until then, new characters that come when I open my story up to more places and more experiences, more couches, and more life.


A Nerd and A Free Spirit said...

Great post. I have to confess I am a list maker. I love crossing things off. (-:


The Twin Chronicles said...

What a beautiful blog, thanks for sharing! I too find my life to be "gypsy-esq" always moving, meeting new people. But I, like you, find it refreshing!