Friday, February 5, 2010

change, beautiful change.

I came into the world during the month that proclaims itself to be the most unique. It possesses less days than any other, even on the years when it holds an extra day. I have always been happy about this fact, as if it's uniqueness has something to do with me, or the other way around. Though this is factually untrue, it somehow brings me a renewed sense of individuality when I am having an average, inconsequential sort of day.

This year, this month holds more change than simply the number I give when I say my age. And since I am a big fan of change, the seconds month's strangeness is stirring an excitement in me for the other changes in my future February ushers in.

I will be uprooting myself out of the lovely consistent six-hundred square feet I have been sleeping in for the past year, and into a temporary room of four walls beneath a space where other's reside. This temporary space will hopefully allow my stash of cash to increase, further enabling me to make an even greater change in the place I will reside.

The six hundred square feet I mentioned above, as well as Tulsa's lovely simplicity and some of the best friendships I could imagine for myself, have been my season's February; They are the things that have propelled the greater circumstances of my life toward change. Courage has come from my time here in Tulsa, and confidence from the stability I have surrounded myself with over the past year.

There are times when it's necessary for us to pry ourselves out of our circumstances. Sometimes comfortability keeps a person from realizing how much more there can be. I am thankful that my decision to leave this season is much more natural, and doesn't require the use of a shovel. Tulsa's been my garden, and I could stay here, and resist the sunshine and water surrounding me, encouraging me to bloom...But that's what staying here would be: a resistance, with shovel in hand, and a freeze on the horizon. Leaving is nature's course, my chance to flower.

And that's why February of two-thousand and ten is going to be such a beautiful month, and such a picture of all the wonderful and wonderfully painful things awaiting me in my twenty-seventh year; my birthday - a reminder of a year passed, of the things I have and also, a reminder of the things I do not, an epic cocktail party, and a likely emotional goodbye to my home, my space of comfort and ease...I do not kid myself into thinking leaving Tulsa and what's currently comfortable will be easy, or that there will never once be a feeling of regret. There are relationships I have formed from my time in Tulsa that will be altered by absence; hurt will likely follow me wherever I go. But so will adventure, and if I choose to flower wherever I go, I shall welcome new relationships, too.

Cheers to you, February...Twenty-seven years of age, and the changes that will follow. I welcome every bit of every bit of of it all.


Unknown said...

Happpppyyyy Birthhhhh-dayyyyyyyyy tooooooooooooo YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU.

Lindsay Hamm said...

I love this SO VERY MUCH. :)