Wednesday, August 15, 2012

goodbye, deep and drolly me.

I've started and stopped and started and stopped and started and stopped so many posts on this site that I haven't ever published. I still write. I've been asking myself lately just why it isn't I haven't written anything to share.

I met a woman at a community table while eating salad at a salad cafe in Washington DC. Conversation came easy and we were quickly talking serious life things. She told me about the job she worked to support her passion, the years spent living in Eugene, OR, her daughter, and also, she asked my age. "Twenty-seven," I responded. "Oh, you're coming up on your saturn return," she said to me. "My saturn what," I thought to myself. It's a time, she told me, of extreme transition, and it also happens to be the time when saturn is at the same position in the sky as it was at the moment of my birth. For most people, she said, this happens during their twenty-eighth or twenty-ninth year, which meant I was well on my way to mine.

Saturn return believer or not, a person's twenty-ninth year also happens to be the precursor to the end of an era, a decade long era, in fact. I'm no longer on my way there. My age is twenty-nine and one half year, and my twenties are almost over. I am sincerely reevaluating things, and also solidifying thoughts and beliefs I've managed to ramble through these last ten years. This blog has been present through a good portion of that time, and as the decade is coming to a close, so is deep and drolly me. I've been thinking this for some time, and also thinking myself out of writing anything. As thirty will say hello to a new numerical decade, and consequently a new start, so will the blog where I will, henceforth, publish posts.

Please join me at:

I've written more about the transition there. Thank you for sticking with me here, but guys, change is my language. I hope you enjoy this one as much as I plan to...


Becca said...

Meredith, If my two-cents from Dallas means anything, you'll like hearing that I understand the closing of "deep and drolly me" and I suspect you are wiser than you think. Or admit in ink... My mother used to say we measure our lives by decades and I believe it to be true. For you, "deep and drolly me" was then and now comes "orange colored shades". Even the title hints of sunny and happy things to come. I hope you'll WANT to write about them all. With fondness, Becca

m@ said...
