Monday, May 21, 2007


I have been looking for somewhere to live online. I don't like this whole rent thing. Why is it that we have to pay a lot of money in order to feel somewhat safe? I could live pretty cheap if I wanted to get mugged each night at the end of the day. Or I could pay a lot for rent and not eat. I am out of money either way. I hate that we are allowed as feeble fallen human beings to put a price tag on safety and beauty.

Rudi Julliani is on David Letterman right now. I don't think he is qualified to be our president or vice-president of the United States of America. And then I realized, from our current situation, Americans' these days don't put much consideration into whether or not a man in qualified to hold the position. I nominate Ashton Kutcher for President 2008. I think he has a pretty good shot.

It's funny that people tend to perceive me as pretty level headed and independent, I think, but I usually feel mostly like a mess on the inside. What would it be like if when people saw us, they were oblivious to, eyes, mannerisms, and instead only saw what was going on inside our head and a replay of the things we do when we think no one is watching? Hmm.

I was thinking about writing a story about someone that was very aware of time. They didn't own a watch. Ever. But they alwasys knew what time it was...down to the second. You ask Mary what time it is and she tells you 12:25 and 51 seconds...52 seconds...53 seconds...and then delving into how consumed her mind is with this ability and the toll it takes on her relationships. How even though her inner clock makes her accutely aware of the precise present time, this ability in itself keeps her from enjoying that very thing it is making her aware of...the here and now. I don't think Mary is the right name though. That's just the first thing that popped into my head.

I have worked the past five days. It's like I had a real five day work week that lasted from Thursday to Monday and it hit me today that I couldn't go anymore and I decided that's why day six is the weekend. As much as I would like for my week to be Saturday and Sunday and the weekend be the remainder days, when the man...whoever he was...decided that the work week would be 5 days, it must have been because his feet hurt too much for him to get out of bed on day six.

I took a two hour nap today after my work ended...from 5 to 7. It was lovely. There are few things I love more than taking an uninterrupted nap when I am really tired and have no where else to be. Bliss. It's what that is. And even though I spept for two hours, somehow I am one of those people that will go to bed in ten minutes and have no problem falling asleep or staying asleep. When people tell me they don't like naps in the middle of the day, that they can't go to sleep at night, I usually don't believe them, and I also get frustrated at them. I don't know why. I just do.

And now, after the most random post of my current blogs history, I am going to sleep.


mollyfila said...

i don't like naps in the middle of the day because i can't sleep at night...are you frustrated with me?

he he

love you.

mollyfila said...

i don't know why my username is "the body shop at home" i didn't put that...weird

this is molly, by the way.

mollyfila said...

i like your book idea, by the way. i would read it. i could see it being a movie.